The Barn at the Ranch Club | Stylized Wedding

This post is a big collaboration we have been working on for a while.  We thought it would be awesome to treat the wedding career students to a really nice stylized shoot at one of our favorite venues – The Ranch Club. It gradually grew into a bohemian inspired stylized shoot featuring 7 models, 16 photography students and an all-star collection of wedding day creative professionals. So before we treat your eyes to the final product, I want to give some serious shout-outs to everyone who made it happen.

Sarah and Jeanne and the whole team from RMSP – for supporting the idea to the fullest and helping us figure out all the logistics, and flow, and models and everything else…to turn this into an awesome educational experience.  Thank you!

Stephanie from Vintage 44 – for always being up to help make beautiful settings for weddings. Vintage44 is the go to resource for amazing vintage furniture and decor and meeting you has been like finding a treasure chest for our style and musings – especially for Nelli:).

Melissa from Earth Within – The beautiful flowers you see in these next photos, that’s Melissa.  Thank you for all the creative time you put into this.  We love how Melissa takes inspiration from all around Missoula to create beautiful bouquets.  And the olive branches!

Dani and Whitney from Cakes in the Zoo for the amazing naked cake adorned with figs and olive branches.  It looked exceptional, but it tasted even better:)

Mandy from Olive + Iron for the beautiful shoes and accessories.

Lauren from Velvet Bride for providing us with the awesome bridesmaid dresses.

Dana from Shear Art Salon for helping our models hair and make-up look stunning.

Our Models – Ashley, Andy, Max, Makayla, Alex, Grace and Alicia  – You were a big part of making this evening successful, and you made it fun for everyone!

As I write, this I’m filled with gratitude for being able to work with this team of creative entrepreneurs in the Missoula community.  In over a decade of photography, we’ve never done anything like this and it would not have been possible without you all.

So…Here are the images Nelli and I captured of the event…

Wait…first, Nelli, your multi-faceted creativity was in full display with the overall styling and especially with creating and sewing the wedding gowns.  And your pictures are pretty decent too;)  Mad props from hubby to wife 🙂



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